Sunday, September 29, 2013

Modern Puritans

    A group of modern-day Puritans is the Amish. The Amish share a very large amount of similarities to the Puritans and are still practicing throughout the country. Amish people live lifestyles based off of simplicity: no cars, cell phones, or any of the tools that "regular" people use. Amish men tend farms and exchange their harvests with their neighbors. They also take jobs like dentistry, shopkeeping, and medicine in order to keep their community operating in and by itself. Amish women typically stay in the house and perform household duties like cleaning and cooking. They are not an important part of outside community and are mainly there to keep things within their own doors in order. Generally, they don't make any decisions for the family and take a backseat to the male in the household. Amish people don't dress for fashion but rather simplicity and functionality. All garments are sewn by the women in the community and everyone dresses, essentially, the same way. Amish girls and women don't wear makeup or outgoing accessories. This is meant to keep everyone equal in each others' eyes and place focus elsewhere (on religion). Amish people view vanity as a sin and shun members of the community who act vainly. In fact, almost all Amish people have seen their own face only a few times because they don't have mirrors or cameras. The only way one could see them self is a reflection from water or glass. The Puritans, just like the Amish, practiced anti-vanity and simplicity in their lives and decided that they, as a people, should strive to be as much like Jesus Christ, who selflessly and unselfishly gave himself up so that mankind could be.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a good job in explaining how the Amish and Puritans are alike in that they both share the same simplicity in everyday life. I think you gave a lot of clear and concise evidence to support your claim.
